
Proxinator is an advanced proxy for your company's outbound APIs.

  • Central configuration for your bearer tokens, OAUTH credentials, and other sensitive information

  • Issue sub-tokens to your internal users or teams, with restricted permissions

  • Monitor outbound requests for sensitive information like passwords

  • On-the-fly content translation: Convert between JSON, CSV, and XML as needed by your down-stream apps

  • Cache the results of slow or expensive end-points

  • Comprehensive logging for incident response

  • Monitor and control API spend

Proxinator is currently under active development by Farr Technologies, a software engineering consultancy with over 2 decades experience developing high performance network applications for security-critical environments.Our focus is security. Proxinator's code-base is constructed in the memory-safe Rust programming language. Important data is protected by multiple layers of cryptography and hardware security modules.We will be open for beta testing soon. Interested? Please fill out the form below to let us know your needs.

(C) 2023 Farr Technologies Ltd.

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